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Dear Newbie

If you are an iridology student or a newly certified iridologist, this post is for you. Iridology can feel kind of tough at first when you are just getting up on your feet, so to speak. With a few pointers and a little gentle direction, you'll be up and running before you know it.

I have included a picture of some eyes. Go ahead and give it a go! Your first thought may be to just jump right in and start picking the eyes to pieces. The is the excitement and maybe a little anxiety kicking in; don't worry, it's normal.

If you can teach yourself to take two seconds and just inhale, and let it go, you will feel a bit more relaxed. Do it several times if necessary, nobody is in a hurry here. When you feel relaxed, look at the eye.

If you are looking at eyes of someone you know, they know you are new at this technique. They should give you grace.

I always start with the left eye; it's just what I do. I look for three things to address with the client. My advice to you is to look for things that are similar. If you see orange pigment, look to the pancreas sections. If you see a polyglandular type, focus your discussion on the glandular system and keeping it healthy.

Brown pigments should lead you to look at the liver area and gallbladder. A pinguecula in the sclera should drive you to the liver and gallbladder too. Remember, you are only going to ask questions about the target areas you see. You aren't diagnosing, you aren't doing surgery. You are simply asking questions.

What about the eyes that have few markings or pigment? They have the nice straight fibers and hardly any detail of color or even a radial furrow. What do you do with those eyes?

Pull back! I mean that literally; pull back. Push yourself away from the picture or the monitor and look for areas of reaction. When you see these lightened areas stand out, there is your topic.

If you still feel stuck, revert back to the basics and talk about the color constitution and the structure subtyping. This will always give you direction and point out details of nurture.

Finally, wrap up the session with some detail on the personality typing you see in the eye. I have found that to mention the personality of the eye really makes someone feel good. It is encouraging and uplifting to hear that someone sees these beautiful qualities through the eyes.

Don't stress about your iridology sessions or what you have not yet learned. That comes with growth and the only way to experience growth is by looking at as many eyes as you can.

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